Surviving the Fire – When “Surviving” Is All You Got!


It has been nearly two years since my last entry. I have attempted to write on many occasions but the words to write continued to elude me. 

“What happened?”, you may wonder. 

Well…I found myself in the middle of another fire. 

No, my house did not burn down again…

…this fire was far more painful than the fire I experienced when I did lose my home – a deep emotional pain.

I was in the middle of an abusive marriage. 

For nearly two years I struggled and fought for a marriage that was doomed from the beginning, finding myself constantly in unending turmoil in hopes that things would change and workout out. 

I found myself too exhausted to keep up with my exercise routine; 

I could barely focus on my work;

Growing my business was a greater challenge…


…and I fell into survival mode. 


I had to take my focus off the things that weren’t pressing so I could put my energy and focus on the most important things at hand…and that meant my blog was pushed aside for some time. 

Have you found yourself in survival mode? 


It is okay to go into survival mode for a time…don’t let yourself stay there.

Sometimes survival mode is necessary before moving forward. 

When you feel yourself falling into survival mode, follow these steps: 

  1. Take a step back away from the situation. 
  2. Simplify – determine what is most important, focus on that and set the rest aside. 
  3. Reassess the situation and determine what’s best for you – should you work through it or walk away? (Make a decision and act.)
  4. Move forward and proceed with caution, taking it one step at a time. 

After a tough fight, I finally decided to let go and let the marriage end because abuse was NOT what was best for me. 

I am now moving forward…

One step at a time!


…and growing a new life for myself and my children, just like a seed with new sprouts that grows into a beautiful plant in the springtime.