Who Am I

Catherine White Rogers

I am a Certified Life Coach, a John Maxwell Certified Speaker and Trainer, and a mother of four beautiful children. I had spent many years raising my children on my own as a single mother and have faced many challenges – as a single mother as well as in many other facets of my life. Often times I have been to the point of feeling I had all I could handle when a new trial would be thrown my way. With the many responsibilities I juggle daily with my family, a full-time job, my religious commitments, helping friends in need, working toward a new career and starting my own business, and hobbies (which tend to take the back burner), I remain constantly busy.  On the weekend of Memorial Day, though I had an extra day off work and yearned to take my family on a camping trip, I felt the need to stay home and work on my long “To Do” list that I never have enough time to complete, hoping perhaps that it was a weekend in which I would accomplish more than I do during a typical weekend, and still find time to break away and do something enriching with my family. Needless to say, my weekend did not go at all as I had planned – instead, my children and I were forced out of our home by a self-started electrical fire. As you can imagine, our lives were dramatically changed. As I decided to write about our experiences, I realized that we all go through our own fires – it may not be a literal “fire”, but we all have struggles we face which I will refer to as our own “fire”.

As I share my experiences with you, it is my goal to inspire you to find the strength within yourself to push through the fires in your own life and to help you find the power to conquer your challenges.


Find out more about my other services at The John Maxwell Team.

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